Make sure you’re sharing expertise with customers
For laundromats, being an essential business is more than just wiping things down and keeping the open sign and lights on. Your business is one of very few that are open now. You want to give your customers peace of mind that when they use your facility, they are getting exceptional clean results. Consider that, with many touting the performance of commercial washer-extractors and the high-heat, germ-killing power of your tumble dryers, you may even be attracting first-time customers.
With that in mind, are you and your staff providing them clear direction on laundering, as well as what cycles and machines will give the best results?
Consider the tips below for helping your customers gain peace of mind as well as get in and out of your essential service laundry fast.
- Consider positioning your wash-dry-fold as the best solution to take out all the guesswork. This may be the preferred choice for those clients who may not have used yours or another vended laundry lately. Using signage and social media/website posts, detail the extra care customers will get and the specific “COVID-19 Cycles” you’ll use – ultra hot water, extra rinse, high heat tumble dry and plastic wrap of folded loads.
- Think like a first-time customer. What information would you want to get in and out of the store fast? Post signage up front so immediately upon entering, they are greeted with your recommendations on cycles and equipment.
- Reinforce your recommendations on machines with additional signage or even stick-on arrows pointing them to the preferred cycle. Color code the arrows for good-better-best washes
- Post your laundry tips online and even on the outside of the building windows for customers to see when walking up. Helpful tips such as:
- Heat and hot water are your friends. Where possible, wash loads with hot water and use dryers (allow the dryer to complete its cycle)
- Avoid shaking dirty laundry (it can spread germs)
- Where possible, use bleach to disinfect
- Selecting extra rinses can be helpful
- Clean hampers, baskets, bags, carts…anything coming in contact with dirty linens
- Wash hand towels and wash rags often
- An ill person’s laundry can be washed with other family members’ items, but please use disposable gloves when handling and wash hands immediately after
- Do laundry…the more urgency and emphasis we put on keeping things clean the better.
Your customers are looking to your laundry expertise during this time. Make sure you are positioning you, your staff and business as go-to resources. For more information, view our COVID-19 Laundromat Business Guide. You may also want to share laundry tips from the CDC located here.