Four reasons to go with a full-service distributor
There’s a reason we lean on experienced professionals. When it comes to legal questions, we hire an attorney. For financial and tax advice, we call our accountant. Simply put – we can’t be experts on everything and that’s why it makes more sense to hire experienced professionals.
Entering the laundromat business is no different. Plenty of new investors lean on their research and opt to go it alone, working only with equipment sellers. This path often comes with a host of growing pains, mistakes, and missteps…not to mention more than a few sleepless nights.
Working with a full-service laundry equipment distributor brings a host of benefits – not the least of which is years of industry experience to help customers avoid common pitfalls. Simply put: they’ve seen it all. Below are just a few of the benefits full-service distributors provide.
Site selection. If you’ve decided to enter the laundromat business, you already know that where you open your store is the most important factor in its future success. Your local distributor likely has locations identified and can streamline securing a lease.
Demographics. If you have a location in mind, your full-service distributor can confirm its viability by performing a demographics analysis.
Permitting/buildout. Your full-service distributor has likely helped hundreds of investors open laundries. Thus, they are highly experienced in the municipality’s permitting process and have a stable of contractors, not just skilled in their trades, but skilled in setting up laundromats.
Financing. Where banks have a significant learning curve when it comes to laundromat financing, your distributor is your link to manufacturer-based financing. That brings a streamlined approach with faster approvals.
Selecting a highly experienced, full-service distributor means you’re getting a true partner to more efficiently navigate all the steps from idea to grand opening. Best of all, you get an expert to lean on for advice well after store opening and a company that is quick to respond to any issues that arise – those are benefits an equipment “seller” can’t match.