Huebsch’s Cardenas shares insights for industry article
Large capacity can mean larger revenue in the laundromat world. But what qualifies as “large” and what has customer demand meant for equipment mix in today’s laundries? In the June issue of American Coin-Op, Bruce Beggs, editorial director, tackles those […]
Store Profiles
Spin City Laundromats
When Mark Hickey purchased his laundromats, he relied on his distributor’s experience and knowledge of the industry. By replacing equipment and putting his customers’ needs first, he has created two successful laundromats.

Need to update? Now is the perfect time
Still on the fence about whether to update your store’s dated laundry equipment with the current rebates and special financing Huebsch is offering? Well, upgrading doesn’t make sense unless it brings great returns – and today’s Huebsch models bring plenty […]

The best laundromats start with a plan, part 2
In our last blog post, we introduced the starting points to a solid business plan to make sure your laundromat business gets off on the right foot. Below, you’ll find the rest of our business plan tips. Missed part one? […]

The best laundromats start with a plan
The saying goes, every battle is won before it is ever fought. Perhaps more simply put, planning matters. It’s a true statement in most areas of life, including the laundromat business. While there’s excitement and a desire to jump in […]

Touchscreens bring a stack of benefits
Touchscreens have made our lives far simpler. Laundromat customers agree – just ask those who have been introduced to the Huebsch Galaxy Touch control. Better yet, ask the owners of these laundromats. While reasons to upgrade dated equipment in general […]

Get the best service for your Huebsch equipment; Register your laundromat
As a laundromat owner, you aren’t just buying equipment; you’re making an investment. That means machines need to not just perform but deliver return on the investment. And like any investment, preventative maintenance is imperative. However, invariably situations will come […]

Top 5 reasons your laundromat needs an app
There’s an app for that. Soooo…how many times a day do you hear that familiar phrase uttered? Check your phone. How many apps are you hosting? Starbucks? Amazon? Dunkin’? Let’s face it, seemingly overnight. Apps and app-based payment have become […]

How do I get started in the laundromat business?
It might not be a glamourous business option, but it definitely is a recession- and pandemic-proof one. Opening a laundromat is a relatively low-risk investment, with many studies putting the success rate for laundromats at nearly 95 percent. It’s clear […]
Nonstop Performance with Multi-housing Laundry Equipment.
Make your shared laundry space memorable. Connect with Huebsch specialists to find the perfect multi-housing laundry equipment for your needs.