The value of free
Public relations activities can help build your laundry’s brand When it comes to marketing your laundromat, there are a variety of tools to utilize. Most owners are well acquainted with the usual elements – Google, Facebook, Yelp, direct mail, etc. – but there’s […]

Speed, expertise matter when it comes to laundromat financing
The home real estate market continues to be red hot. Regardless of the city, houses often are only available for days before they are sold. Buyers that are preapproved and ready to roll are clearly in the driver’s seat. While […]

Laundromats are essential and profitable
Interest in investing and operating laundromats continues to build. Widely considered recession resistant for decades, 2020 built on that strong foundation. The past 12 months have only bolstered the stability story, as it earned “essential business” status during the pandemic. […]

Top 4 reasons to give your laundromat an upgrade
Still been putting off that upgrade of your laundromat? Why? Sure, there’s always that up-front investment that gives a bit of heartburn in uncertain financial times. But if we’ve learned one thing over the last 12 months, it’s that the […]

Top five technology advances in laundromats
If you view the laundromat industry as a quarter-counting endeavor, you’re coming at it wrong. This previously analog business has developed in an extremely digital way, changing the way owners operate their business. Below just five the technology advances that […]

Alliance Laundromat Professional Provides Insights on Retooling Coin Laundries for American Coin Op Article
Many laundromat owners and operators are struggling to stay competitive in today’s industry. They use worn down equipment, offer few services for customers to utilize and have outdated businesses. However, there is a proven method that these operators can take […]

Be an expert resource for your customers
While the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine is a bright spot to focus on – a hopeful light at the end of the tunnel – for most of us, and many of your laundry’s customers, those shots are months away. With that in mind, we […]

Ensure that your signage makes an impression
When it comes to creating an image and a brand for your laundromat, everything contributes. From cleanliness of the equipment and store in general to a helpful, friendly staff, little things mean a lot. Setting this image and atmosphere doesn’t […]

Using technology and data to build marketing for your laundromat
Wouldn’t it be great if all you had to do to secure success for your laundromat business was switch on the “Open” sign? While there may be a segment of owners who subscribe to that theory, the reality is that it’s […]

10 Advantages of Huebsch Softmount Washer-Extractors
While searching for new vended washer-extractors, laundromat owners are met with a long roster of options to choose from. Huebsch softmount washer-extractors are machines that laundromat owners should consider, as they are easy to use, efficient and offer plenty of […]

Finding a Location for a Laundromat
Location, location, location. When opening a new laundromat, there are several important considerations to take into account, but arguably the most important is its location. Without a good location, laundromat owners risk missing clientele and their store may never reach […]

Stack units are topic of recent article
For years, the stack washer-dryer has been the answer for homes and apartments short on space. Two machines in the footprint of one is a major advantage. But what about for the laundromat market? Can they be a gamechanger in […]

Tips to start your laundromat
The laundry industry is one of the few that typically faces very little risk. No matter what’s going on in the world, people need clean clothes. If you’re interested in taking the plunge and getting into the laundromat business, there […]
Start Making Money with a Laundromat Investment.
We’ll be there for you every step of the way. Connect with a Huebsch specialist today to make a laundromat investment to support your lifestyle.