Install flexibility opens location options
To say the laundromat industry has changed in major ways through the years is an absolute understatement. From the efficiency of equipment and focus on customer experience, to the additional revenue streams and management systems, operating and visiting a laundromat […]

Customer traffic light? Time to step up your laundromat’s marketing efforts
Many laundromat owners have a great facility, high-quality commercial laundry equipment, and advanced laundry technology, but they’re still struggling. They have all the ingredients of a successful laundromat business, but they stumble in getting the word out to attract new customers. If […]

Why It’s Time to Replace that Old Equipment
If you own or operate a laundromat with outdated equipment that requires constant repairs, you probably have a hard time competing with other businesses that have new machines. Instead of watching your customer base decline week after week and accepting […]

2022 financial landscape for laundromat owners and investors
With uncertainty in the markets and rate increases likely coming, it’s now more important than ever for laundromat owners and investors to reflect on their current situation and prepare for a change in the financial landscape. The year 2021 proved […]

Meyers helps make sense of the numbers
There’s no debating that demographics are the foundation of solid decision making for where to put your laundromat. Thus, understanding the numbers in a demographic report is paramount to success early on. Eric Meyers, general manager of the North […]

Know your laundromat terms
New to the laundromat business? Does it seem like folks are speaking a new language? Well, it’s not that complicated. Familiarizing yourself with a few key terms will make it easy to understand the industry and have you communicating like […]

The keys to laundromat success
There’s nothing more rewarding than starting your own business. With all sorts of technology and innovation, it’s a pretty exciting time to be in the laundry industry as well. If you’re thinking about opening a laundromat or you’re already in […]
Uniquely Huebsch.
We’re not like the others. Learn more about what makes Huebsch the superior commercial laundry equipment provider and services for your needs. Connect with our specialists today.