Aksen Desain Huebsch®

Make Your Store Truly Unique — & Uniquely You.

Modernize and customize your laundromat in distinctive, sophisticated ways with new design accents from Huebsch®. The refreshing look of Cityscape offers clean lines, streamlined design and dramatic contrast. Express your creativity with Cityscape control panel overlays, and bring quality and dimension to your environment with the stunning look of chrome and stainless steel. Available on equipment featuring Galaxy 600 controls, these design elements bring form and function together with style and texture to help you enhance the customer experience and differentiate your store from the competition. We’ll help you make your space truly your own. With Huebsch®, inspiration comes so easy.

To learn more, download the Huebsch® design book.

Make Your Store Truly Unique — & Uniquely You.

Modernize and customize your laundromat in distinctive, sophisticated ways with new design accents from Huebsch®. The daring look of Citron helps you invigorate your space with a bold, memorable splash of color. Express your creativity with Citron control panel overlays, and bring quality and dimension to your environment with the stunning look of chrome and stainless steel. Available on equipment featuring Galaxy 600 controls, these design elements bring form and function together with style and texture to help you enhance the customer experience and differentiate your store from the competition. We’ll help you make your space truly your own. With Huebsch®, inspiration comes so easy.

To learn more, download the Huebsch® design book.

Make Your Store Truly Unique — & Uniquely You.

Modernize and customize your laundromat in distinctive, sophisticated ways with new design accents from Huebsch®. The traditional look of Slate delivers subtle tones that come together with dignified design. Express your creativity with Slate control panel overlays, and bring quality and dimension to your environment with the stunning look of chrome and stainless steel. Available on equipment featuring Galaxy 600 controls, these design elements bring form and function together with style and texture to help you enhance the customer experience and differentiate your store from the competition. We’ll help you make your space truly your own. With Huebsch®, inspiration comes so easy.

To learn more, download the Huebsch® design book.

Lapisan Atas Panel: Dari Klasik Hingga Menakjubkan.

Terlepas dari apa pun selera pribadi Anda, Anda akan menemukan ekspresi kreatif dengan lapisan atas panel kontrol kami dalam tiga desain baru yang disempurnakan. Ekspresikan kepribadian Anda dengan tampilan Cityscape yang segar, warna Citron yang berani, atau daya tarik Slate yang tradisional. Slate adalah tampilan standar pada peralatan Huebsch® dengan kontrol Galaxy™ 600, sementara Cityscape dan Citron menawarkan peningkatan yang menarik. Pilih desain yang paling cocok untuk Anda, dan berikan kesan mendalam kepada desainer paling kritis sekalipun – termasuk pelanggan Anda.

Fitur Dekorasi: Dari Halus Ke Menakjubkan.

Hadirkan penampilan dramatis ke lingkungan Anda dengan paket dekorasi modern kami. Gagang pintu krom yang dipoles sekarang merupakan standar pada semua mesin cuci ekstraktor kabinet Huebsch®, dan cincin pintu Halo serta bagian depan tumbler baja tahan karat tersedia sebagai peningkatan-tren. Sebagai pelengkap sempurna untuk desain panel kontrol baru kami, fitur-fitur mencolok ini diuji dengan standar kualitas dan daya tahan tertinggi.

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